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art today

A discussion of

cannot escape the question of whether a work of art can be detached from reality? Is the spiritual experience that a work of art provides impaired when art is mobilized for social values? At a time when everything is so complex, is there still a value to the aesthetic experience?

Art cannot detach from the reality in which it operates - in the age of the Corona. The presence of the Corona in the field of art is inevitable. It is always present, directly or indirectly , or one whose absence fills the space.

Gabriel García Márquez in his book "Love in the Time of Cholera" tells the love story against the background of Cholera, when the disease is the setting that serves as a real expression and as a metaphor for society and human relationships. What is the decor of today? What is the painted culture that will remain for us after the Corona passes? The aesthetic experience can hint at a utopian future, one that seeks to transcend the existing reality, which is full of violence and pain.

The answer has to do with what will happen in the coming weeks and months, one should continue to exist, so one should mask and wash hands. It should be presented - it is desirable and worthwhile to create visualization.

The painting to be used for therapy should also use a mask in various images, surrealistic or combined with past works from the history of art: images of the creation of man when God and man touch each other with elastic gloves, or transfer alco-gel between them. Empty streets, keeping distance between people, people peeking out of the windows of houses or lying in the living room, the galleries empty of people, the meals and joys canceled, we are all on The Raft of the Medusa…

We need to continue to exist, so we need a mask and wash hands. Therefore it should also be presented. On the other hand, the aesthetic experience can also hint at a utopian future, the one that seeks to transcend the existing reality, I wish we had already gotten there.

Hence I do not give up, I am painting from the districts of the imagination about freedom and the sea, the children who play in my own utopian world, and give it to everyone.



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